Skyworth 32E360, 40E360, 50E360 replacement remote control of a different appearance
The replacement for the original Strong remote control for this device is the branded EMERX PReDATOR remote control (in right), which has a different appearance (color, button layout, etc.), but the same functions as the original Strong remote control. We offer the EMERX PReDATOR remote control as a cheaper alternative to the original remote control or because this original remote control is no longer manufactured. You do not have to program the remote control sent by us in any way. It will be set up exactly for your Strong device, while retaining all the features.
Before using the remote control, insert new batteries and press the device selection button (eg TV, VCR / DVD, SAT, AUX - depending on the type of your device.). The remote control also has a simple manual that illustrates the features of the original Strong remote control.
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